Brilliant Communication (1-Day Seminar)
Communication is the platform on which every leadership principle stands. You could be the smartest person who walks the face of this planet, but if you can’t transmit your thoughts or vision to the people around you, your intelligence is meaningless. The single common quality of great leaders is that they can communicate their thoughts, concepts, and ideas clearly in any situation.
If your company desires to have shorter meetings, fewer misunderstandings, better-informed employees, and less conflict – this course is for you.
Brilliant Communication
This seminar includes sections on: being clearly understood – verbally, written, and electronically; what your non-verbal’s say; learning to listen and not just hear; considering personalities in every conversation; why the solution to conflict resolution is in good communication; giving positive and negative feedback; coaching vs. mentoring; being assertive and being heard; and having the “tough” conversation. All of these issues are discussed in detail ensuring that participants understand the basics of good communication and why being understood is the number one goal of good leaders.
This course includes:
The basics of communication:
- Definition of communication
- Responsibilities of the players
- Importance
- Miscommunication
- Why personalities matter
- The major 4
- It’s all about “Them”
Verbal Communication
- Get to the point
- Non-verbal actions
- Speaking “with” them
- Tone
- Do they understand?
- Praising
Written Communication
- Get to the point
- Preparation
- Don’t be short and misunderstood
- Your style is ok
- Email culture
Electronic Communication
BTW not 4 U @ Biz
- Texting isn’t writing
- When to email, text, or call
- It is not guaranteed!
- Confusion reigns
- Beneficial or not?
- Definition
- 3 levels of listening
- 6 Cardinal points
- Ensuring good listening
- Make “them” listen
Conflict Resolution
- Definition
- Why it’s needed
- Control the situation
- Be the answer, not the problem
- Emotions
- Behaviors
Your Style of Communication
- Passive, Assertive, Aggressive
- Definitions
- Pros and Cons of all
Coaching vs. Mentoring
- Definitions
- Benefits of Coaching
- Benefits of Mentoring
- When to use either method
- Requirements
Tough Conversations
- Preparation
- Positive feedback (& praise)
- Negative feedback
- Constructive Conversations
This is one of those subjects we can not learn enough about. Poor communication leads to misunderstanding; which leads to confusion; which leads to frustration; which leads to anger; which – left unchecked leads to overall poor morale. The good news is most of this can be prevented if we help our people understand each other better.
This seminar lends itself nicely to customization or in some cases what we call, “Shading.” Here is the difference:
Customization: If your desire is to change the content of this presentation, then we will add or delete material to meet your needs and produce a customized book to fit your exact requirements.
Shading: When you think of “Shading” think of how an artist “fills in” certain areas with additional color or “shading” to bring a more profound effect to a particular portion of the painting or sketch. If you desire some emphasis on a particular portion of a seminar, we can “Shade” that portion with our verbiage, examples, and/or perhaps an exercise to strengthen that portion for your people.
Customization for this seminar might look like:
Communication In Our Electronic World
Professional Communication with Tact and Diplomacy
Communication in a Diverse World
We look forward to talking with you about your needs and priorities. Why not call us now?