Polished Presentations (1-2-Day Seminar)
Most people have a greater fear of public speaking than they do of death. The issue here is that many of those same people will be forced to give presentations in front of live audiences – under pressure. And the worst of it is most people never receive professional training on how to speak in front of an audience. Some people have a natural talent that becomes a strength as they practice it, but the majority do not have the talent and are obligated to suffer through years of trial and error with a great deal of fear and anxiety until they learn to be competent speakers. It does not have to be that way.
This 1 or 2-day course (depending on the size of your group) can accelerate the learning curve dramatically. Regardless of their present capabilities, everyone who attends this seminar will leave significantly better at the craft of public speaking.
Topics for the course include:
- Gathering proper material
- Setting presentation goals
- Fitting the presentation to the audience
- Proper format to use (lecture, seminar, case study, exercise)
- Prioritizing material for audience and time
- Deciding on type of presentation (electrons or no)
Presentation make up
- Captivating Openers
- Informative Body
- Rock solid Conclusions
- Transitions
Handling equipment and props
- Projectors
- Microphones
- Loud speakers
- Flip charts
- Dry erase boards
- Smart boards
- Tablets
- Podiums
- Demonstrations
- Handling normal questions
- Handling the impossible questions
Poise on stage
- When things don’t go right
- Jitters be gone
- Overall demeanor
- Positive/negative movement
- Dress for the occasion
- Proper language
- Company vs. Public audiences
Audience issues
- How to deal with side conversations
- “Snipers”
- Those who “MUST” be heard
- Off-trackers
Physical room preparation
- Lighting
- Proper seating
- Seating arrangement
- Sound & sound system
- Temperature
- Distractions
- Amenities
Ever notice that people you consider to be good leaders seem to have the grace and ease to speak confidently in front of peers, senior management, subordinates or the general public? In most cases they had training. If you have supervisors who are required to speak in front of an audience, but lack the confidence to do so adequately, give them the opportunity to attend this class and you will notice an immediate difference. If there are members of your company that are required to speak to public audiences on a regular basis, this program will bolster their confidence and help them get the message across with ease. Regardless of their position or level of management, somebody in your company could probably use this course to not only better themselves, but improve the organization.
This seminar lends itself nicely to customization or in some cases what we call, “Shading.” Here is the difference:
Customization: If your desire is to change the content of this presentation, then we will add or delete material to meet your needs and produce a customized book to fit your exact requirements.
Shading: When you think of “Shading” think of how an artist “fills in” certain areas with additional color or “shading” to bring a more profound effect to a particular portion of the painting or sketch. If you desire some emphasis on a particular portion of a seminar, we can “Shade” that portion with our verbiage, examples, and/or perhaps an exercise to strengthen that portion for your people.
Customization for this seminar might look like:
Presentation Skills for First Time Speakers
Advanced Presentation Skills
Presentations and Thinking on Your Feet
If you have any questions or would just like to talk about giving presentations – give us a call. We are glad to help.