Right Supervisors, Right Managers, Right Now! (2-3 Day Seminar)
If you have new supervisors and managers or employees who have been in a leadership position for a few years and need a “refresher” on solid, positive, and proven leadership characteristics, this is the course for them. This course is two days full of proven techniques, ideas, and concepts that work. Everyone who attends will leave better prepared to supervise. Here are the expectations for this course:
Leadership Characteristics:
- Qualities Leaders possess
- The work environment you must create
- 4 Things you must do to take care of your people
- Recognizing your people
- 10 Traits you must demonstrate
- Importance of Trust
- Taking care of your boss
- Coaching & Mentoring
- Delegation
- Motivation
- Meetings
- Why communication is the long pole in the tent
- Definition of communication
- How to communicate clearly verbally
- How to communicate clearly when writing
- How to listen effectively
- Questions make the difference
- Positive and negative aspects of electronic devices in Leadership
- Giving feedback
- Annual reviews
Conflict Management
- Definition
- Causes
- Approaching conflict
- Resolving conflict
Problem Solving
- What problems are you working?
- 3 Models of problem solving
- Which model is best for you?
- Decision Making
- Crisis Management
- Definition
- Reasons to not change
- Reasons to change
- Stages of change
- Supervisor responsibilities
- Employee responsibilities
- Communication up/down
Company Culture
- Definition
- Elements of Company Culture
- How it is controlled
- Your role
Unproductive People & Difficult Conversations
- Why unproductive behavior happens
- Feedback
- Constructive Conversations
- Correcting Poor Behavior
- Disciplinary action
Getting Things Done
- Prioritizing
- Scheduling
- Handling interruptions
- Organize yourself first
- Definition
- Symptoms
- Causes
- Consequences of stress
- 13 ways to control/prevent it
- What to do when you can’t (control it)
Work / Life Balance
- Why it’s important
- How do you distribute your energy, strength, & passion?
- Recognizing your two “Life Generators”
- You can “walk” or “talk”
- How to create “balance”
If there are people who have never had any formal training in leadership – this is a must. For those who have been in leadership roles for a period of time, this is a great motivator, reminder and will add tools to their “Leadership Kit.”
This seminar lends itself nicely to customization or in some cases what we call, “Shading.” Here is the difference:
Customization: If your desire is to change the content of this presentation, then we will add or delete material to meet your needs and produce a customized book to fit your exact requirements.
Shading: When you think of “Shading” think of how an artist “fills in” certain areas with additional color or “shading” to bring a more profound effect to a particular portion of the painting or sketch. If you desire some emphasis on a particular portion of a seminar, we can “Shade” that portion with our verbiage, examples, and/or perhaps an exercise to strengthen that portion for your people.
Customization for this seminar might look like:
Confident Supervisors and Managers 1-Day Seminar
Supervising Under Stress
Supervising In A Diverse Organization
Being A Confident First Time Supervisor
Supervisor Prep Course
Call us to see how we can help.
For a pdf version of the expectations for this seminar, click the link below.