In 2001, Ken Fritz & Associates was established while I lived in Yorktown, VA. The company was a sole proprietorship and my focus was to give training to college students on Time Management and Organization. Although I did have some business with companies, the college circuit was the mainstay of the company. I traveled around the United States on a frequent basis talking to groups ranging from 25 to 300 students. The program was very well received, but the business portion started to take up more of my time and interest and it became evident it would become the majority of the business.
The Colorado Crimson Group was established in 2004 when I moved to Colorado. Again, it started as a sole proprietorship business, but in late 2010 I started to work with one of the larger training companies and because of my background became successful in speaking on several topics (many of which you see on this site). As an independent contractor I traveled to almost every state in the union and continued to speak to companies of every size.
During this time I became aware of other trainers who were exceptional in their ability to not only speak on several subjects but also garner exceptionally high evaluations due to their knowledge and expertise. Conversations with these instructors lead to the make-up of the Colorado Crimson Group you see today.
From 2001 through today’s date (whatever day you are reading this) this company has founded it’s reputation on solid values, transparency, and keeping our word. We guarantee our work 100% of the time and we tell the client that if we don’t perform to their expectations, they are not obliged to pay us. It’s been that way since the beginning and we are not about to change now.
Every instructor we have is in the business because they believe it’s more important to help other people grow and become better than it is to receive accolades. We believe that if the training and/or education is done correctly, it’s shock-wave will be felt for the next 30-35 years. We do this because we believe in what we are doing. We live by the axiom, “If you ever find a job you love, you will never work another day in your life.” And we don’t work. The fact is, we have a pretty good time.
Enjoy the site. We look forward to talking with you.
Ken Fritz